Addresses Have Been Altered To Protect The Guilty
I have decided not to wait to post this blog entry, I know I said I would wait till mid-August but why should I wait when I have all the information that I do have.
How does someone go about taking over yahoo/google groups for over 3 years with no one suspecting it is happening? I think to understand this we would have to ask WEB aka Charlotte, aka Charlie aka creator of Team Angels to answer that question. But since I know she would never give me a straight answer, only more of the lies she had given to others in the past and will no doubt give in the future, I'll post my blog to open eyes to her ways.
I was actually shocked when it was brought to my attention that charlie has been taking over groups for years! To think that people trust her so much to allow her to co-own any group is beyond me. I guess I am jumping forward so let's go back a few years....
When someone opens a group they are in fact the main group owner, anyone that they choose to ask to co-own said group, is just someone to help if the actual owner is unavailable to be in the group at any time. So when the main group owner gets sick, goes on vacation or is moving, they trust their co-owner to make sure their group is safe and there are no problems amongst the group members. Unfortunately that doesn't always happen when an owner allows someone (charlie) to co-own their group. I will use the names I have been given because I cannot track the original owner down, if you are Spen please contact me, we need to talk, I will also use quotes from emails I have received.
Charlie was co-owner of a group called PSP Playhouse back in 2007, the actual owner was Spen. Spen had to be offline for some time and left her group in the hands of co-owner charlie and the mods Spen had appointed. While Spen was away Charlie decided she was going to take over Spen's group and members creating a group called Wonder Playhouse (I could be wrong on the name of this group) "after she moved all of spen's members to another group she was going to rule them with an iron fist" Charlie told the members that she took from Spen's group that Spen had unsubbed them "one went back to spen after she talked to spen and found out that spen did not unsub her or anyone else either all of the owners and members thought spen kicked them out". Now why would charlie being the kind person she is do something like that to another group owner, one that trusted her? I think this says it all,
"spen always ran great groups and charlotte wanted it and charlotte didn't like it"
Onto another group, Let's Do Pando, this group was owned by someone (I do not have the person's name if you know it please let me know) that got ill and had to spend some time in the hospital and asked a girl she knew in the group to help while she was gone. The girl's name is Mona. While the owner was in the hospital, Mona "thought the owner of Let Us do Pando had passed the group over to her permanently, and so started to put her own rules in place & introduced Charlie to the Group, who took over more and more, when no one in the Group asked her to" Of course charlie being charlie "wound her way in, by filling all the requests from her Angel Bundles. " When charlie was confronted about how it seemed she was taking the group owner by one of the founding members, she said "Mona had asked her to take over the running of the Group!" The group name changed to Pando Fair and she suggested that the members that were leaving go create a new Let's Do Pando group. There was roughly 200 members in Let's Do Pando when charlie took it over, she wanted to get the group to 3000 members (what is the deal with having so many members?) but she changed the group rules on the members not allowing any chit chat only allowing requests & shares of movies or music. Apparently at some point Pando Fair got shutdown, members applying there need to join Pando Mine but I don't know any details of why Pando Fair was closed to members.
Mona has left groups to create her own but she has sent emails to the group she was leaving to state the fact that she started her own group to pull members into her own group. She even went as far to privately asked members to join her group but she didn't always like the answers she got about how members felt on her tactics to send her announcement to the group she was leaving, so those members would get banned from her group & others she owned/modded for.
It has been said that charlie took over Pando Mine and that it was not given to her as she said it was, I do not have anyone from the original owners/mods to back this information up so I will leave it alone until someone steps up.
Now let's move onto something different. Why would anyone think that they can tell others to join someone else's group to attack the owner and the moderators. Yes charlie and bry did this also. They sent out an email to the bundle group and passed it to many of there 50 participating groups. They claimed they were being attacked by the group owner KerriAnn aka kerri and moderators of Mostly Pandos, 200 plus people applied to the group, within hours, the group again had to change the name due to Charlie, and in the little message box each addressed Charlie who had told them this was her own group set up to have a war. I admit that during this time I was still friends with charlie and bry, I did try to join the group just like they asked, even sent one of the owners a nasty email but I will admit to the things I have done but will they? I doubt it. Mona was a mod for MostlyPandos along with another angel Dede. No doubt Mona was sending information from the group to charlie because charlie was forwarding those emails from that group to my owners group at the same time. Seems to me that charlie and bry don't like when someone does not want them around. Of course all this is done in private emails since MostlyPandos did not allow any drama. MostlyPandos has been shut down, wonder who'd do that? Maybe they are now safe, after being shut down once and countless group name changes it is a wonder they still share at all.
I wish I had all the nasty emails that have come out of angels being removed then other angels being told to email nastiness to the ex-angels but I don't. I do have this one from so-called angel Kim though
"You are a LOOSER for supporting the WANT TO BE TEAM ANGEL BUNDLE GROUP! Oh.. Wait a min... The want to be team angel is one of your groups.. Hence.. You are a LOOSER because you couldn't make it as a team angel because you are far from being an ANGEL!!! Now start crying.. You fucking peice of shit! You and shelly are both want to be's!!!!!" She's a real angel I'm telling you, lol. One group owner had this to say to their group about her emailing members "her life is such that one can almost feel sorry for her. And even though her tactics are pathetic, so is her life. She is a failed wife, mother and student with so little in her life to care for that she tries to fill the void with her fantasy computer life and try to be successful there where she failed in her regular life." No i wasn't the owner that said that but someone else knows her pretty well I think.
So I own groups, a lot of people own them BUT is it okay to reject a member that shares in other group and on blogs just because they associate with other people that charlie doesn't like? I say no, I have a couple of people banned from my pando group including charlie and bry simply because I know for a fact that if they were there they would do nothing but cause problems for my group. The bundles group I co-own has an open membership, I have never denied anyone access to it nor will I ever even angels are there either in full view or hiding under an alias like bry is doing. Back to what I was saying, a person tried to join a group recently, was denied then kindly cussed out by charlie because she associates with people charlie doesn't like. I guess it really comes down to group owners and if they feel they are being threatened by having good sharing members or not. Oh well charlie you really screwed yourself on that one. Please from now on, leave this person's share alone, don't be passing her links to the "angels" and getting them to upload and not giving her any credits for her work. You repeatedly told this person about "your good name" exactly what is this good name you speak of? I would love to hear all about it. Now if you are talking about the name you have among many people then you would be calling yourself a liar, a cheater, a thief, a coward, I'm sure there's more I just can't think of them right now. Oh wait, from the emails I've seen from you to other people and all those emails you forwarded from various groups to my owners group, I would learn towards bitch and snake to be added to that list.
Moving on to the pot calling the kettle charlie and bry want no one to share their bundles without a disclaimer and the tags in the bundles BUT when they re-share the bundles from Bundles Without Drama, they remove everything from them. Once upon a time I went along with sharing their links but I liked to share the first round of their shares in my group, the ones with the individual links in the emails, low and behold what should happen when I do this, I get an email from bry, granted he was nice but he was choosing how I should share their emails, he didn't want me to share the links I was sharing he wanted me to only share the bundled shares because those had the tags & links in them.
I can't leave out the fact that they also asked people to email me to let me know how they feel about the bundles group I co-own, I got one email from iain, lol, it's a cute email and made me giggle, I do hope someone else gets a laugh from this with my reply
From: Shelly*on my knees?* F.U. NEVER!
Date: Thu, May 27, 2010 at 1:20 PM
Subject: Re: Big Mistake
On Wed, May 26, 2010 at 11:29 PM, IAIN wrote:
Seems you have been going after The Team Angels management which is a big mistake coz i am on your case now. I have the contacts to get groups closed down, Forums closed down and lose people their email accounts plus other things not mentioned here. Charlie and Bry have never done anything to you and only want to help people but pissants like you come along and fuck things up for everyone. Well i dont mind a fight and you have got me to worry about now you fucking loser.
Now charlie sends her emails with no attachments so they can't be added to the bundles, she also has Mona sharing this way to keep their shares from being shared. I'm sure in the near future all the angels will share that way also. If everyone recalls, team angels slogan is "Sharing is caring", seems to me, charlie and Mona have been fucking up their whole slogan.
charlie just seems to be losing it with bry away, what's the deal with that charlie? Are you so incapable of running your own groups that you can't do it with him locked away from you? You said Mona couldn't be around because of her getting a job but most of the week she has been online and sharing, was that just another lie of yours to make people feel sorry for you or what? I would really love to know the real deal about you charlie but I have a suspicion that no one really will.
I also think you and bry should come out in the open about plans for you two to be together in real life, are you afraid of letting others know that you two are together online and have those plans of being together in real life? Or could it possibly be that you both are playing other people also, making them think they have an online thing with you? I do know of at least one other person you were fucking with online, bet you didn't know I knew that either but I will mention not mention his name as he is a friend and always will be. Oh no, I don't think I was suppose to let anyone know about that....oh well the cat's out of the bag now, isn't it?
bry, bry, bry....maybe you will dry out while you are spending this 90 days, it would be nice to actual see you online and not drinking for a change. Maybe the authorities up there can help with a rehab program :) Now this is just a little message that maybe you should actually do, forget about the others and be with the one you are with, if you don't want to be with her then tell her straight out, don't fucking keep leading her on and messing with her I am not talking about charlie either. Stop screwing with the minds of the innocent, the ones that have stood by you, show your true colors or get the fuck out!
I guess I should tell everyone that reads this, when you contact me about anything on my blog, I do read it and usually I respond nicely. Now to those of you that think you can call me names, I've been called every name imaginable in my 43 yrs. so please think of something new, the others are old news to me. Now if you email me and would like something added to the blog whether it's for the this post or another one, please feel free to do so. I like the information I post to be true, I have emailed and spoken to people on the phone about this blog post and I will stand behind every word on it.
So till the next time everyone have fun and keep smiling :)