I'm going to try (yes, try, lol) to address an email that was sent to a group last week. Now I intended on doing this sooner but there has been a lot going on & you all will find about all that in the next few days as I will be posting a couple more blogs.
So here's the email & I will clarify in parenthesis & in bold, sound good? Okay
Morning Gang .....
It seems there is some confusion over what a bundle is and what is what here. So please let me help define this for you ......
((I bet there is some confusion simply )))
1) Team Angels Bundles are the original bundles put together by a great group of people to share with others each week. These include not only snags from groups but Bouncing Baby Pandos uploaded by it's great members and an awesome team of caring people [That would be TEAM ANGELS].
((Yes the so-called angels did start sending bundles first BUT does that mean no one else is allowed to? I think not dear angels!))
2) Team Angels Auxiliary Bundles are actually a re-bundle of a re-bundle of the "bundles mentioned above" from the previous week that have some snags added to it and put together by a group of people that call themselves "Bundles Without Drama". (Psst .. They are all about Drama! Don't be fooled! "The Real Deal" comes to you right here each and every Sunday)
((The auxiliary bundles are actually my group's bundles re-bundled by the angels. They are not what the angels shared the previous week, they are links that I along with several other people gather throughout the week, starting on Saturday afternoon after I send Bundles Without Drama bundles to my group, unlike the angels bundles where they put links that say they have not expired just because of the date on them going back 2 to 3 weeks at some links. I don't want old links in the bundles I share with my group, I want them to be freshly loaded that week, so everyone has a chance to download them rather than getting upset that something has expired which happens to the angels. Nope not about drama. The group is drama free. I am the only that posts to the group, everyone is on moderated mail & replies go directly to me, so where is this drama you speak of? I think you may be confusing your group with mine, now aren't you? You have so much drama behind the scenes that members don't know about, ))
3) Team Angels Exclusive Mixed Bundle is a bundle that contains nothing but original uploads from the wonderful team mentioned under #1. Again that would be TEAM ANGELS! The ones that share because they care. [Not the ones that do it to fulfill a self indulging need!]. This Exclusive Mixed Bundle upload files are Not shared in any groups all week long like our Regular uploads are. Hence the word Exclusive.
(( I think you need to check on your exclusives because some of them are just re-ups from previous weeks. Now why do you have to talk about yourself that way Bry? You know some people like you & that's why you & your web started the group in the first place...to indulge yourselves. I also throw your exclusives in the bundles I send the following Saturday simply because I won't waste my time sharing them again after I re-bundled your Sunday morning shares. I would prefer for someone to say what they actually felt about me than to have people kissing my behind then talking behind my back as you two do. I am the same person online as I am offline, can you two say the same? I highly doubt it considering what I know about you both. ))
So now with that said if you are not getting your Bundles from the source (that would be here) or directly from one of our great team members there is no guarantee as to what you will be getting.
(( There actually is a guarantee that they will get that there will be expired links in angel bundles simply because of how they put them together. I can guarantee people will find fewer expired links in Bundles Without Drama bundles because I only want the ones from that week & the ones gathered by me & my helpers. No I will not give the sweet people that help me a ridiculous name like the angels, why did you name your helpers after dead people that's a little sick, my helpers are just that & I am very fortunate to have them, love you ladies :D ))
Now back to our regular scheduled programming .... :O)
(( Your schedule got a little messed up this week didn't it? You all want me to say I won't re-share your bundles, not going to happen. You have pushed people to the limit, now is the time everyone needs to make a stand & stop taking your crap, so glad I did along with several others. Now if you would stop dictating to "your" angels on what they are "allowed" to upload that would be nice. It would also be nice if you would stop trash talking the angels that left your group. But I know none of this is going to stop but I can always say it just maybe give you all a clue that you aren't being nice to the very people that have helped more than you two actually have to make your group what it is. ))
So with that all straightened out...I'll be posting another blog sometime tomorrow, watch for it. Remember if you need to contact me about my blog use one of these addresses
Have a nice night