After I started Bundles Without Drama of course I expected to get some hate mail, so I was not surprised when iain (no I will not capitalize the moron's name) emailed me, hell I even posted it on here on July 24th. What I didn't post was his threats to me in a group called GroovinAgain. As far as I know he was not told to threaten people in that group, maybe Deb Negro, the owner, did it privately but somehow I doubt it. So here's the email here sent to that group when a member sent one of the bundles from BWD as a share, please keep in mind that I do not believe iain is even a mod or anything other than a member there.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: IAIN
Date: Mon, Jul 5, 2010 at 11:21 AM
Subject: Re: [GroovinAgain] audio book bundle 4 jul
I cannot believe that you would post links to that slut Shelleys blogs. In case you didn`t know i am 100% for Team Angels and friends with Charlie and all the lies that this bitch posts and her nastiness would get her killed if she lived here in Australia. She had better hope that we never find out who she is and where she is as we have friends in the States and they will be sent to visit her, and not to talk to her either.
So there he threatened me but that is not the last time. He also threatened me in an email earlier. Here it is
from IAIN
date Wed, Jul 28, 2010 at 8:53 AM
subject You are full of Crap
hide details 8:53 AM (13 hours ago)
Boy Smelly are you full of crap. I read your latest blog entries and Bry is nowhere near prison. We spoke to him last night as a matter of fact.
Bad new for you, we have your details now and they are going to be passed on to someone that is prepared to drive across the whole country to sort you out. So better watch out ...
Oh by the way who is this slut ???? (photo attached)
Man are you a miserable loser of a non-human being.
Have reported your blogs for abuse by the way.
He even attached a picture of me. Needless to say I do not like to be threatened & this is my reply to him.
from Shelly
date Wed, Jul 28, 2010 at 9:26 PM
subject Re: You are full of Crap
hide details 9:26 PM (59 minutes ago)
Is that another threat iain? I saw the threat you made in GroovinAgain, don't you know that threatening someone's life is against the law & if you do have someone come "to sort me out" then you are infact an accessory. I think I will just pass your email onto an officer of the law, just for safety's sake that is, so they will know who to arrest if anything happens to me.
If you want to call someone a slut, I suggest you look at your gf/wife/possibly mother iain. It is nice that you went through the trouble of asking for a photo of me though. Also just so you know everything on my blog is the truth & it's a shame that you have stooped to the level of a complete moron & are now lying for others.
Once more thing, I knew you would be the only person to email me about my blog & make an ass out of yourself doing it. This email is being BCC to a friend that is in a law enforcement agency. I will also be forwarding the email you sent to Groovin Again to her also.
Have a good day.
His emailed was BCC'd to a law enforcement & if he chooses to continue with his threats or act upon them or have someone else do so, then he will be charged as an accessory to any crime commited to me or my family.
Yet another one trying to worm his way out of his threats.
from IAIN
to Shelly
date Wed, Jul 28, 2010 at 10:31 PM
subject Re: You are full of Crap
hide details 10:31 PM (19 minutes ago)
He He you must be more stupid than you look if you read that I was
sending someone to sort you out. Someone else that you have been
fighting with wants your details so that she can smack you around. And
I have passed that info on to her now so anything that happens is
between you and her and has nothing to do with me.
Also I doubt a loser like you would have any friends in law
enforcement. Even if you did I guarantee that friends I have outrank
her by miles both in LE and in the military plus I have friends in
Biker groups as well. So your idle threats don't bother me in the
slightest. Why you can't be just a decent person like most of the
others that share stuff out there instead of all this stupid slagging
people down all of the time is beyond me. Maybe you are jealous that
you are not an Angel or that they share more stuff than you. Who knows
maybe you should see a shrink or something. You look like the one that
is drunk or high on drugs and not Bry. Anyway my sparring with you is
purely for fun just the same as your blogs are fun for you. I actually
don't have any bad feelings towards you but I get bored easily so
let's keep sparring and see where it goes.