Saturday, November 27, 2010

What happens when I contact Charlie or Bry...

By now you know I am no longer a part of Bundles Without Drama & that I gave ownership of the group to br!dget aka b@by d@rl!ng & Cathy, I could not tolerate br!dget any longer, she's a real pain in the ass & too damn whiny for me to tolerate for too long not to mention she absolutely has no backbone whatsoever, she wants to talk the talk but will never be able to walk the walk, chickenshit people are like that though.

So I decided that I'd let charl!e and/or bry know how Miss Prissy br!dget was getting their shares in P@ndo M!ne but apparently they could careless so being me, I thought I'd post it all on here for everyone to read since bry did get a little pissed when I forwarded his & my private conversation to group owners trying to make sure charl!e got it & I have a couple more responses to me forwarding that will be added here also, lol.

Yes, I have altered addresses so you cannot click on them, also altered names so know one can get me there either, lol, also any misspelling are still in place.

from Shelly
to p@nd0-m!
date Fri, Nov 12, 2010 at 6:08 PM
hide details Nov 12
Could an owner please email me back, thank you


from Bry
reply-to Bry
to Shelly
date Fri, Nov 12, 2010 at 7:10 PM
mailed-by p@r@d0x3dfr!
signed-by p@r@d0x3dfr!
hide details Nov 12
psst ...


from Shelly
to Bry
date Fri, Nov 12, 2010 at 7:15 PM
hide details Nov 12
psst yourself, do you want to know how bridget is still getting the shares from pando mine?


from Bry
reply-to Bry
to Shelly
date Fri, Nov 12, 2010 at 7:23 PM
mailed-by p@r@d0x3dfr!
signed-by p@r@d0x3dfr!
hide details Nov 12
If you want to talk I am all ears and this is just us.



from Shelly
to Bry
date Fri, Nov 12, 2010 at 7:33 PM
hide details Nov 12
Go back to September 26th/27th so who applied to p@ndo mine & possibly other groups, this person is also in Jean's group, I think you and/or charlie mod there, addicted to pando/rs. The person got in to addicted before p@ndo mine or any of the other groups but I don't know exactly the time, it could have been rel close to the 26th/27th, I'd have to wade through more mail to find that out. This person got into a nasty email with charlie, I'm sure she would remember her since she is a very good friend of br!dget's, s@ndy. She is in addicted & p@ndo mine (not telling how many other groups) under this alias, she share the account with br!dget so they both can get what comes into the groups to add to br!dget's group's bundles. Btw I left there, I had started the group but even I couldn't put up with br!dget's shit, she's nothing but fucking drama! Oh yes, ya'll were right when you said br!dget was co-owner from the start but she was too chickenshit to let everyone know about it, lol, me on the other hand, hell I want to see her sorry ass go down....LMAO!!
PS what happened to your other addie, my mail comes back?


from Shelly
to Bry
date Fri, Nov 12, 2010 at 7:34 PM
hide details Nov 12
Ooops, one other thing lanae is also in p@ndo mine, but as far as I know she isn't in the bundles group any longer.


from Bry
reply-to Bry
to Shelly
date Fri, Nov 12, 2010 at 7:46 PM
mailed-by p@r@d0x3dfr!
signed-by p@r@d0x3dfr!
hide details Nov 12
I did get your other email ....

Now I ask why do you think I would trust you again? Oh Bridget showed her sorry ass and turned on you as she has done to so many others?

Sorry .. had to ask ....


PSST ... and I want to thank you for giving Mikey some power .... I am sure he enjoyed it! I am dealing with his sorry ass as I type to you ......


from Shelly
to Bry
date Fri, Nov 12, 2010 at 7:52 PM
hide details Nov 12
On the phone, be right back


from Shelly
to Bry
date Fri, Nov 12, 2010 at 8:33 PM
hide details Nov 12
Sorry about that a drama crisis with one of the children.

Personally I don't care if you trust me BUT why would I give you false information about someone neither of us can trust? I gave you the information because I thought you might want to know but since you apparently don't I guess I should have kept it to myself, oh well just a waste of a few minutes of time, lol. bridget is such a whiny bitch, thinking her name is so good that anyone that needs something will go to her, no one did or will, I still have people emailing me for me to fill their requests, I direct them right back to bridget who failed a member miserably last week when she would not re-up a bundle that the person could not get, I don't think the lady ever got that bundle sent to her. It finally took me telling dumb ass that no as many people like her as she thinks, duh!

No need to say sorry, like I said trust me or not, I gave you information to help you. Whether you use it or not is your choice.

Mikey power? How the hell did I give Mikey power?

PS bridget changed the name of the bundles group to BC_Bundles. Also if charlie has had any copyright infringement emails, let me know because I have proof that 2 people turned her in for sharing in my 66 account.


from Bry
reply-to Bry
to Shelly
date Fri, Nov 12, 2010 at 9:57 PM
mailed-by p@r@d0x3dfr!
signed-by p@r@d0x3dfr!
hide details Nov 12
You want to talk to me about DRAMA? That is in it itself is funny coming from you .......

Yes, Bridget is a sheep in steel wool ... now you on the other hand I do know better as you got sucked in ..

.. You want to prove yourself to me .. Help shut Mikey down!

You got close enough to it ... just reach over and pull the plug!

(I will reply back to you when I see the results)



from Shelly
to Bry
date Sat, Nov 13, 2010 at 11:20 AM
hide details Nov 13
Actually I was explaining why it took me so long to reply. Now the explanation for this late reply is I got offline, watch some telly then slept, woke up to the phone ringing, said fuck it & got up, went to facebook & played my game for the past few hours. The drama that has been create was your own doing bry, if I didn't know so damn much about you, charlie & the angels then there wouldn't have been drama now would there? Half of the additional drama was because of comments by you, charlie or someone else in various groups, groups I'm not in but I do have friends online that do trust me. Btw, my alias was removed from angel groups a long while back so now if something is said in one of the groups where my friends are, I am told about it.

There's more than a few things more I could say about bridget but I'll keep my mouth shut right now.

I don't have a problem with Mikey so why would I help you with him? Besides that Ieft over 100 groups at the beginning of October including his so I have no clue what you are even talking about dude, what's Mikey doing that has pissed you off this time?

(You don't ever have to reply back then because Mikey is not my enemy, he's yours)



And now what happened when I sent the entire email conversation to other owners that had been listed in the credits for angel bundles, read from bottom to top because it just takes to damn long to do it the other way,


Shelly to l@ralyn
show details Nov 14 (13 days ago)

- Hide quoted text -
On Sun, Nov 14, 2010 at 4:03 PM, l@ralyn wrote:
You just got turned to abuse 5 times good bye

-------Original Message-------

From: Shelly
Date: 11/14/2010 4:51:53 PM
To: l@ralyn
Subject: Re: OWNER'S PLEASE READ!!----------------------Fwd: HELLLLLOOOOOOO...

On Sun, Nov 14, 2010 at 3:49 PM, l@ralyn wrote:

-------Original Message-------

From: Shelly
Date: 11/14/2010 4:41:06 PM
To: l@ralyn
Subject: Re: OWNER'S PLEASE READ!!----------------------Fwd: HELLLLLOOOOOOO...

Oh lookie lookie, I'm married with children, went to school & finished that.
Nope I haven't slandered anyone, I have told to the truth & will continue doing it, not my fault people are too stupid to realize it.

On Sun, Nov 14, 2010 at 3:39 PM, l@ralyn wrote:

I have a life I'm married
And have lots of friends and go to school plus work oh I for got
You don't have life cause is your life talking about people and slandering them on the Internet

-------Original Message-------

From: Shelly
Date: 11/14/2010 4:27:58 PM
To: l@ralyn
Subject: Re: OWNER'S PLEASE READ!!----------------------Fwd: HELLLLLOOOOOOO...

The damn think is this has nothing to do with me saying charlie is lying, my god how stupid can a person be! Btw, I have a life but you may want to see if you can find yours sweetie.

On Sun, Nov 14, 2010 at 3:23 PM, l@ralyn wrote:
Who the hell cares you have me for nothing just because
I'm Charlie's friend.and I belive her over you get life shelly

-------Original Message-------

From: Shelly
Date: 11/14/2010 4:17:53 PM
To: l@ralyn
Subject: Re: OWNER'S PLEASE READ!!----------------------Fwd: HELLLLLOOOOOOO...

Oh how pretty this email will be published on the web, lol.

On Sun, Nov 14, 2010 at 3:15 PM, l@ralyn wrote:
I know English dumb ass you need an adttude ajustment
Don't email me no more I know someone that is in Charlie group and will be getting a hold of her
Your nothing but a dumb bitch leave me the hell alone last time.

-------Original Message-------

From: Shelly
Date: 11/14/2010 4:11:52 PM
To: l@ralyn
Subject: Re: OWNER'S PLEASE READ!!----------------------Fwd: HELLLLLOOOOOOO...

Oh another threat to me with your friend, go for it!
Btw, learn english for american groups.

On Sun, Nov 14, 2010 at 3:03 PM, l@ralyn wrote:
GO TO HELL BITCH and let me tell you something Your the dumb ass and NO I'm not your sweetie
Don't email any more I could care less your nothing but a jerk and I will be sending to my friend who take care of you
And this problem have a nice day ASS HOLE.
At least Charlie is a lot nicer than you are good by.

-------Original Message-------

From: Shelly
Date: 11/14/2010 3:57:25 PM
To: l@ralyn
Subject: Re: OWNER'S PLEASE READ!!----------------------Fwd: HELLLLLOOOOOOO...

I sent this to group owners at group owner addresses that was on a credits list that charlie had sent to the angel bundles group, if it had angel beside it then I was hoping she was a mod or something so she would get a copy of the email & know who I am talking about being in her groups.
Now if you want to get nasty laralyn, you came to the right person. If you don't like KissMyPando, then you were free to leave, the people that like adult stuff stay there, I have never asked anyone to stay in a group they didn't like or feel comfortable in. You would actually be surprised at how many do like me compared to a LOT of people in these group because I have a LOT of people forward emails to me, just to make sure I know what is being said in various group.
Now if you have nothing nice to say, I suggest you shut your face or I will become just as nasty as you are sweetie.

On Sun, Nov 14, 2010 at 2:51 PM, l@ralyn wrote:
Yea you are doing some thing wrong buy sending email to every one I don't want no part of this
Nor would I care what happens with your group
I trust Charlie and all way's she is a good person and is a true angel I would never trust you and as far as I'm consern
Who about you and your dumb crap I forward this to Charlie let he know a lot of people don't like you it looks like
That's why I left your group you owned cause of to much AC movie's at least Charlie don't do that.

-------Original Message-------

From: Shelly
Date: 11/14/2010 3:38:57 PM
To: l@ralyn
Subject: Re: OWNER'S PLEASE READ!!----------------------Fwd: HELLLLLOOOOOOO...

Excuse me, the email I am forwarding I would like Charlie to read, it's a conversation between me & Bry, I am trying to help get rid of the people who are snagging shares from pm & other angel groups.
Report me if you like, doesn't matter to me but I am not doing anything wrong, maybe you need to read the email!

On Sun, Nov 14, 2010 at 2:36 PM, l@ralyn wrote:
Stop email crap to me
I don't care about this shit and leave my friend Charlie alone or I will turn you to abouse thankk you

-------Original Message-------

From: Shelly
Date: 11/14/2010 3:32:42 PM
Subject: OWNER'S PLEASE READ!!----------------------Fwd: HELLLLLOOOOOOO...

Good afternoon/evening/morning
I just thought I'd forward this to a few group owner addresses since it really should have been replied to through pm's owner's address but I want to make sure everyone that is affiliated with the angels gets a copy so here is an email in it's entirety, I'm sure bry can verify that nothing has been changed not even my misspellings, crappy keyboard is only wanting to work on some keys, so please overlooked my errors in this email. If anyone is wanting more info, let me know, as you can see I will not fall down on my knees for anyone especially if you want me to "take" Mikey down, have bridget do it, he's her bestie not mine, lol
Have a nice day :)


Now why the fuck would I care if someone is handicapped & wants to send their dogs after me...not me, if you are handicapped, not my fault & it doesn't give you a reason to be a CUNT...once again read from the bottom to top.


from Shelly
to C!ndy
date Mon, Nov 15, 2010 at 9:15 AM
subject Re: L@ralyn
hide details Nov 15 (13 days ago)
Hello Cindy
No I didn't talk shit about l@ralyn, I sent an email to owner's addresses & she replied very nasty. Maybe you need to see the emails she sent to me, I never got nasty until she did so back up! It really is a damn shame she is handicapped, but stupidity isn't much of a one these days so I'll just take it she's stupid & don't know english. A handicap never stop an american from speaking english not even the mute, they type correctly. I think you can take this apoplogy & stick it where the sun don't shine because it will not happen now or ever. I won't apologize for someone else's ignorance. I think you may need to step back also & relaize your little "handcapped" friend isn't as nice as you think.
Have a nice day
If you or l@ralyn or any of your friends contact me again, that will be considered harassment because I am now asking you to stop emailing me, I will reprt you to comcast if I receive anyone & yes I'm tracking IP addresses so I'll know if you use another one.
- Hide quoted text -

On Sun, Nov 14, 2010 at 10:17 PM, C!ndy wrote:
Hello Shelly,

You don't know me but I just could not let this situation go without letting you know what I think.
Recently you talked a lot of crap about L@rlayn.
On top of the bad mouthing you told her to "learn English" and then to shut up.
How dare you??? Who do you think you are to be so mean??
It is none of your business BUT, L@rlayn has a handicap.
It is although not as bad as the one you apparently have.
You seem to be handicapped with a bad case of rudeness and ignorance!!!
L@ralyn is a far more better person then you, she is kind and sensitive and very smart!!!
I have heard through the grapevine that you on the other hand frequently have these "rants" and say nasty things about people.
I think you owe L@ralyn an apology for your ignorance and lack of knowledge.
I had to step in because Shelly, one of my biggest pet peeves is ignorance and rudeness and you exhibited both of them!!!
You may actually feel better about yourself if you step back and really see what you did.


Now what did the big man bry have to say about me forwarding the emails to other group owners....yep read from the bottom to the top


rom Shelly
to Bry
date Sun, Nov 14, 2010 at 4:46 PM
subject Re: You just hit the top of the list .....
hide details Nov 14 (13 days ago)
No I didn't or you wouldn't have got pissy, lol.
- Hide quoted text -

On Sun, Nov 14, 2010 at 4:39 PM, Bry wrote:
Actually ... You did exactly what I expected you to do ....


----- Original Message -----
From: Shelly
To: Bry
Sent: Sunday, November 14, 2010 4:28 PM
Subject: Re: You just hit the top of the list .....

Oh you didn't want anyone else knowing that I do know who is doing what. On my knees, not, but you might want to consider it, lol.

On Sun, Nov 14, 2010 at 3:27 PM, Bry wrote:
or should I say bottom ... So get on your knees and pray!



Now onto the what I mentioned in one of my emails to bry, that 2 people had reproted charlie for copyright infringement, nothing was done that I know of but here's the emails to show that it was done & I got both emails from br!dget, one is a very good friend of hers (if I were the person I'd watch my back)& the other one is an alias br!dget created just to report charlie....


from B@by D@rl!ng
to shelly**onurkneesbitch** ,
LaNae ,XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (removed an addresses of the innocent)
date Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 3:52 PM
subject Fwd: copy right mail sent to yahoo groups
Images from this sender are always displayed. Don't display from now on.
hide details Aug 18

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 2:40 PM
Subject: Fwd: copy right mail sent to yahoo groups
To: b@byd@rl!

Sent: 8/18/2010 3:37:32 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: copy right mail sent to yahoo groups

To Whom it may concern:
I have been a member with yahoo for a long time and I also know
how you respond immediatley to complains with proof about things
done in yahoo groups.
I received an invite to several groups by a person using a yahoo id
I joined her groups not realizing what kind of group's they where.
I will enclose some material for your preview. These are all brand new movies
still out in theater's and all are copyrighted you will also see where she is
sharing other copyrighted material in this group along with other member's
I believe it would be in yahoo's best interest to not just terminate the groups
but also her yahoo id.
I do hope that your team will respond in a timely manner about this matter.
I have been thinking of contacting the FBI about the copyrighted material
this Charlotte is sharing in her groups. Here is a list of her yahoo groups:!n3/

I will also be contacting her ISP provider.
Please view the copyrighted material enclosed with the yahoo group
name and the sender's information included.

kind regards

Track List

01 Toby Keith - Every Dog Has Its Day
02 George Strait - Gotta Get To You
03 Trailer Choir - Rollin' Through The Sunshine
04 Bucky Covington - A Father's Love
05 Josh Thompson - Way Out Here
06 Little Big Town - Little White Church
07 Brad Paisley - Water
08 Eli Young Band - Guinevere
09 Kellie Pickler - Makin' Me Fall In Love Again
10 Lonestar - You're The Reason Why
11 Ward Davis - Don't Open That Door
12 Gary Allan - Get Off On The Pain
13 Chris Janson - Til A Woman Comes Along
14 Randy Montana - Ain't Much Left Of Lovin' You
15 Williams Riley - Sweet September
16 Sarah Darling - Whenever It Rains
17 Jake Owen - Tell Me
18 Johnny Patton - Keep This Country Alive
19 Easton Corbin - A Little More Country Than That (Acoustic)
You'll need Pando to open this attachment. Get Pando free here.

From: ♫ Team @ngel Ch@rlie ♫
Size: 93MB, 33 files
Expires: Aug. 28, 2010 (?)

From: ♫ Team !ngel Ch@rlie ♫
Date: Sun, Jun 6, 2010 at 4:54 PM
Subject: [Team@ngelsBundles] - PA 539 MUSIC - TEAM ANGELS BUNDLE 06-06-10
To: undisclosed-recipients

And yahoo's reply to these

rom B@by D@rl!ng
to shelly**onurkneesbitch**
date Thu, Aug 19, 2010 at 5:15 PM
subject Fwd: copy right mail sent to yahoo groups (KMM102435563V41861L0KM)
hide details Aug 19

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, Aug 19, 2010 at 2:42 PM
Subject: Fwd: copy right mail sent to yahoo groups (KMM102435563V41861L0KM)
To: b@byd@rl!


Sent: 8/19/2010 2:17:54 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: Re: copy right mail sent to yahoo groups (KMM102435563V41861L0KM)


Thank you for contacting Yahoo! Inc. ("Yahoo!"). Yahoo! respects the
intellectual property rights of others and we ask that our users do the
same. Yahoo! has established a policy for receiving and processing
notifications of infringement in accordance with the Digital Millennium
Copyright Act ("DMCA"), other applicable laws and/or Yahoo! policies.

Your recent correspondence was insufficient to constitute an effective
Notification of Infringement ("NOI") within the meaning of the DMCA
and/or as required by Yahoo! policy. The elements required for an
effective NOI, and the contact information for submitting a NOI to
Yahoo!, are included below and at:

If you are the copyright owner or are authorized to act on behalf of the
copyright owner and you would like to submit a NOI in response to this
email, please include the following:

1. A description of the copyrighted work or other intellectual property
that you claim has been infringed;

2. A description of the location where the material that you claim is
infringing is located;

3. A statement by you that you have a *good faith belief* that the
reported use is not authorized by the copyright or intellectual property
owner, its agent, or the law;

4. A statement by you, *made under penalty of perjury,* that the above
information is accurate and **that you are the copyright or intellectual
property owner or authorized to act on the copyright or intellectual
property owner's behalf**; and

5. Your address, telephone number, and email address;

6. Your electronic or physical signature. If the submission is made
electronically, please designate your electronic signature by typing a
forward slash ("/") before and after your name and follow this
electronic signature by again typing your name. For example:

/Jane Doe/
Jane Doe

Please note that attachments cannot be accepted due to security

Once Yahoo! has received a NOI containing each of the required elements
detailed above, Yahoo! will process your request.

We wish to thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this
matter. Please contact us if you have any questions or we can further
assist you in this matter.


Copyright/IP Agent, Yahoo! Inc.
c/o Yahoo! Inc.
701 First Ave.
Sunnyvale, CA 94089

Original Message Follows:

so what you are saying is that any person can open a list and download
movies and games and books programs and then upload them to a list that
over 100 members on it and they can even be new movies i never knew
that i
thoght that was a copy right thing

In a message dated 8/18/2010 5:03:41 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
Yahoo! asks that anyone who detects what appears to be a copyright
violation on the Yahoo! network, report the violation to those persons
who can claim rights in the work, rather than to Yahoo!. In this way,
the rightful persons can evaluate the use and determine whether to
assert a claim against the poster of the content, and alert Yahoo! of
the infringement.
We encourage you to review the Yahoo! Copyright/IP Policy at:
Copyright/IP Agent, Yahoo! Inc.
c/o Yahoo! Inc.
701 First Ave.
Sunnyvale, CA 94089


second one


from B@by D@rling
to shelly**onurkneesbitch**
date Fri, Aug 20, 2010 at 2:02 PM
subject Fwd: Please Read Someone is sharing y (online)
hide details Aug 20

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Digital Minds Support
Date: Fri, Aug 20, 2010 at 2:00 PM
Subject: Re: Please Read Someone is sharing y (online)


Thanks for your mail. We will take care of this.

Digital Minds Support Team

On 19-Aug-10 04:44, Georgia wrote:
from T3@m Angel Ch@rlie
to undisclosed-recipients
date Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 7:04 AM
subject [p-m] - PA PRO - RF John& Ron& Jacque - SeaStorm 3D Screensaver v1.5
mailing list Filter messages from this mailing list
unsubscribe Unsubscribe from this mailing-list
Images from this sender are always displayed. Don\'t display from now on.

hide details Aug 16 (3 days ago)

WOOHOO!!! This one works with the serial and ID! LoVe iT! See I couldn\'t WAIT to send it....LOL

Everyone have a Great Day!

Much Love, Ch@rlie

X-Mailer: PHP/4.4.6RC2-dev



So here's my thoughts on all this mess....
I would think that if someone (or more than one, there are actually a few that are but I'm not mentioning any more names right now) is snagging from p@nd) m!ne, wouldn't you think the owners would want to remove that person or persons? I know they were hellbent on finding my alias in there & they finally found them all, lol, not to upset about that because I removed the last one on my own, lol. It seems to me that the only person that is affecting bry is Mikey, that is pretty damn strange since Mikey isn't even a part of the BWD bundles group unless br!dget has pulled him in there as she is doing others especially the people I dislike as much as I do bry & charlie, lol, you go girl, you'll get a few more knives in the back & deserving so in my opinion. So since bry nor charlie is apparently affected by snags being snagged then why aren't they? Is it because br!dget is once again hiding in the angels has she did in quality uploaders? That really wouldn't surprise me one bit especially since you told your best friend to stay in the group because you were leaving, only to have her find out that you were there the whole damn time & you asked her to stay in a group she didn't want to be in....if that's how you treat your friends so glad you aren't one of mine. Here's your knife from me & I'll keep twisting it br!dget for as long as I can sweetie.

What's this new ad in bc bundles (catchy name, your & your co-owner initials, lol) saying the angel group & your group are a collaboration? Too damn funny, what you can't do it alone with the snaggers you already have, lol. I actually am surprised you haven't given the group away by now...what's wrong, won't anyone take it to battle your war for you? People are beginning to realize you are nothing but a spineless cunt, it's really a shame too since once upon a time you were okay.